Ch Gunning's It's A Wonder
Better known in the world of Shih Tzu as "Louie". Louie was a son of our breeds all time top producer at the
time, BIS Ch Lou Wan Rebel Rouser - ROM . I bought Louie from Emily Gunning when he was about a year old and finished his championship quickly. Buttttttttt that
was just the beginning.
Louie helped to start the foundation of the Karyon Bloodline. Louie's show career was short, but his ability as a sire was long term and made him one of the top producers
of the breed. The first girl I bred him to was Wingate's Karyon Pollyanna - from there it is history. From their first litter they produced - Best In Sweeps and Best of Opposite
in Sweeps at the 1988 American Shih Tzu Nationals. The future breedings of Louie and Polly made Polly the Top Producing Bitch for 1991. Louie was just one of those
producers that make a breeder look good.
He sired 17 champions and was/is still showing his effect on our dogs today in the US and Abroad. Louie had great body, pretty face, short nose, big head and kick-butt
movement all wrapped up in a red and white friendly package. Every breeder should be so lucky to own a dog that has given so much to the breed and to Karyon.
BisCh Louwan's Rebel Rouser -- ROM | Ch Yingsu's Johnie Reb |
Louwans Pearl Necklace | |
Ch Gunning's The Eighth Wonder -- ROM | Ch Fancee Heir MHale Bon D'Art |
Ch Gunning's Highway Robbery |
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Weatherford, Texas
(Dallas/Fort Worth Area)
Email: Pat Fletcher